If you wish to join Elmbridge U3A please click on Join and follow the instructions there presented.
Elmbridge U3A (Registered Charity No. 1071550) is managed by a Committee. Its members are listed below. When clicking to send a message to any Committee member or group leader or other office holder, please always include your telephone number as well as your email address
Chair | Nigel Cudby | Chair |
Editor | Gillian Adams | Editor |
Groups Secretary | Barry Peters | Groups Secretary |
Marketing | Nigel Cudby | Nigel |
Membership Secretary | Tony Wharton | Membership Secretary |
New Members Secretary | Peter Andrew | New Members Secretary |
Public Relations | Mark Dowdney | Mark |
Secretary | Meg James | Secretary |
Speaker Secretary | Nikki Lindsey | Speaker Secretary |
Treasurer | Andrew Craig | Treasurer |
Vice Chair and Webmaster | David Rodway | Webmaster |
New Web Development | Phillipa Allison | Phillipa |
Assisting MemSec | Sue Warren | Assisting MemSec |
Assisting | Janet Larcher | Janet |
You will find links to allow you to contact each Group Leader on the relevant group page. It may be a few days before you receive a response. If you have not received one within two weeks then please contact any Committee member and ask them to pursue your inquiry.
If you are already a member and are renewing and wish to pay on-line or wish to update your personal details on-line, click on this link Beacon for instructions on how to do this using the Members Portal in the Beacon system.
If you simply wish to make an enquiry, please use the message boxes below: