
Coordination Team

The groups are supervised by a Coordinator Team, run by our Groups Secretary. Each member of the team is responsible for a number of groups, helping the Group Leaders as and when needed. The Coordinators also help set up new groups, inducting new Leaders and helping them to secure support from within Elmbridge u3a and to acquire any premises and materials needed. The Team consists of: Barry Peters, the Groups Secretary, who can be contacted at Groups Secretary, Margaret R at Coordinator 1, David, at Coordinator 3 and Margaret K at Coordinator 4. The allocation of groups to the various Coordinators can be seen at Coordinators and Groups

Group Leaders are guided by a handbook which can be seen at Handbook For Group Leaders (pdf).

Group Leaders are reminded that they will be handling members' personal data and that they must take care not to allow it to be accessed by anyone else, other than members of the Committee, without the explicit permission of the affected members.