East Grinstead


Joining your local u3a is a great way to find and develop new interests and make friends in a relaxed environment. It doesn’t cost much to join, East Grinstead u3a is just £15. We are open to all people no longer in full-time employment

Reasons to join:

  • Make a difference, stay active, keep learning and have fun
  • Get out to meet face to face – learning together and making the most of life
  • Access to online learning, training and resources to inspire you. Members can attend learning events and talks for free
  • Meet other people with similar interests: learn new things and share your skills

Our OPEN meetings are open to non-members. As a non-member, come along and find out what u3a is all about.
You can come to an event and join up, renew in person, or even better, follow the instructions below.


The annual fee for 2023-24 is £15. This is reduced to £11.00 for members who are affiliated with another u3a.
Fill out an application form and follow the instructions printed on the form. An application form is available via the link Membership Application Form - pdf or from Katrina Whitfield, Membership Secretary, memsec@eastgrinsteadu3a.co.uk


Renewal information. Click on this link==>Renewals 2023-24.
Read the instructions carefully! Please note our new bank account details
Once we receive your payment, you will be sent a receipt.


If your circumstances have changed, for example, address, telephone number, Gift Aid status, emergency contact details, etc, you can change them either online via the Beacon membership portal or notify the membership secretary by email or letter. Our membership Portal: Beacon provides comprehensive tools for handling membership: new members, renewals, subscriptions, address changes, and communications. First, please register to use the members portal to find out more, click BEACON - Membership Portal registration, watch the video below. Then click ==> Beacon membership portal. remember, once successfully registered, you use your EMAIL and PASSWORD to log in to the Beacon membership portal.

Beacon login step by step instructions