Blandford & District

Writing for Pleasure

Fountain PenGroup Leaer - Bee Wallis

Meet fortnightly on Friday mornings at 10am at members’ homes, contact leader for schedule

Members take turns to suggest a topic and the piece of writing upon that topic may take any format, poetry, prose, factual, dark or light.

The meetings are informal and each member reads their own work aloud, followed by a constructive discussion. The host provides welcome refreshments during the meeting. We all hope to learn and improve in a friendly atmosphere.

More Group Pages
Art Appreciation Badminton Bird Watching Book Club
Bridge Coffee Morning Craft Cryptic Crosswords
Cycling Dance Group French Garden Visits (Apr - Sept)
Gardening German Historic Visits Italian
Just for Ourselves Life,the Universe & Everything Lunch Club Lunch Club - Tuesdays
Mahjong Music Appreciation Painting Poetry Reading / Listening
Pottery Recorder Ensemble Rummikub Scrabble
Singing for Fun Skittles Spanish 1 Spanish 2
Strollers Table Tennis Walking Group Writing for Pleasure
More Group Pages
Art Appreciation Badminton
Bird Watching Book Club
Bridge Coffee Morning
Craft Cryptic Crosswords
Cycling Dance Group
French Garden Visits (Apr - Sept)
Gardening German
Historic Visits Italian
Just for Ourselves Life,the Universe & Everything
Lunch Club Lunch Club - Tuesdays
Mahjong Music Appreciation
Painting Poetry Reading / Listening
Pottery Recorder Ensemble
Rummikub Scrabble
Singing for Fun Skittles
Spanish 1 Spanish 2
Strollers Table Tennis
Walking Group Writing for Pleasure