
Beginners Spanish Scheme of work

¡Hola! - Saying hello and goodbye, introducing yourself, saying how are you and geting yo know other people

¿De Dónde eres?- Talking about where you are from, understanding different countries and nationalities
Review of content, understanding others talking about what they do for acliving, saying which languages you speak, understanding numbers 0-20,

Éste es Carlos - introduding someone, understanding numbers 21-100, giving your phone number, understanding other peoples phone numbers, talking about yourself and your family

Un café por favor- ordering a drink in a bar, offering, accepting or refusing a drink or snack, paying the bill

Repaso 1 - progress check

Perdone, ¿ Dónde está el museo? - asking where something is, asking for help to understand, say where you live and work

¿Hay un banco por aqui? - asking what there is in a town, finding out when something is open, understanding where a place is and how to get there

¿Cuanto cuesta? - asking for something in a shop, understanding the price, buying food and shopping in the market

Respaso 2 progress check 2