


Philosophy Group, 9th July 2018

The 9th July meeting of the Philosophy Group discussed individuals’ experiences to consider the use of Aristotle’s Organon or Philosophers’ toolkit for its usefulness for living today. Later, a paper on Aristotle’s Theory of Knowledge was tabled (see below) and it was agreed this would be looked at again at the next meeting on the 23rd July.

Review - The initial idea was that members should continuously evaluate the format of sessions. The study of the Greek Philosophers has been useful but was coming to a conclusion and options for the next sessions were discussed. One view expressed was that discussions had been more interesting when they centred on philosophical questions rather than the history of philosophical thought. It was agreed that at the final session before the summer break the discussion would consider this alternative line of study, together with suggestions from all members, with a view to reaching a decision on the way forward. Please email suggestions if you are not able to attend.

Philosophy Group, 25th June 2018

The discussion centred round the method of Aristotle, the Organon or Philosophers’ toolkit which was aided by a diagram which is on the U3A web site. Members then discussed the worth of such a model and an illustration of its use was provided by one member from his industrial experience. It was decided that participants would choose a problem from their own modern day or working experience and relate its analysis to the Organon for discussion by the group at the next meeting.

A draft input for the “Yellow Book” was tabled (see below) and it was agreed that members would review this ready to finalise the text at the next meeting:

Members meet on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month to discuss the ethical, political and social implications of philosophical ideas as they relate to everyday life. By agreement we started by looking at classical Greek philosophers and how their ideas still colour attitudes in the contemporary world. Each session is designed to be self-contained. Group members investigate each decided philosophical topic and develop this by reference to internet resources, texts and discussion. The aim is to learn about philosophy within the context of its relevance to our own situation.

Philosophy Group Update & notes relating to meeting of June 11th 2018

At this, the 7th meeting of the group, we discussed 3 diverse aspects of Aristotle’s writings as researched by members of the group, namely ‘Happiness’ as defined by Aristotle & the Greeks of the time,‘Logic’ and Aristotle’s lifelong interest in ’the study of Nature’.

Notes relating to meeting of 14th May 2018

At this, the 6th meeting of the group, we referred to 3 discussion papers relating to Aristotle and generated by a group member - see link to Hand outs - Group generated notes

Notes relating to meeting of 23rd April 2018

At this, the 5th meeting of the group, we discussed Plato’s dialogues concerning love. We looked at Phaedrus and the Symposium.

Time was spent looking at Plato’s analogy of the Charioteer, the Black Horse and the White Horse. We questioned whether society defines the white horse and the black horse our nature. The definitions of different types of loves were examined in an attempt to decide whether there is any such thing as “abnormal” love.

From the first meeting we agreed that each session should stand alone, with members not being dependent on having to attend all sessions.

All are welcome to come along.

Recommended reading:
Stamford Encyclopaedia
Classical Philosophy, Peter Adamson, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014
Also see links to various other learned sources where noted on the main webpage & other subpages of the Philosophy Group.