
Science Group 2022 Programme


Friday 28th January Leaves (bring a magnifying glass if you have one) (Doris Hinshaw) St Michael’s 2pm
Friday 25th February Project Apollo 50 years on (with extras including a real piece of Apollo 11, and some Moon rock) (Trevor Robinson) St Michael’s 2pm
Tuesday 29th March Group visit to Kielder Observatory (there will be no meeting at St Michael's this month)
Friday 22nd April Meeting cancelled due to illness
Friday 27th May Meeting cancelled due to illness
Friday 24th June Psychological Effects of Imprisonment (Cathy Robinson) St Michael’s 2pm
Friday 22nd July Stellar life cycles – the birth and death of stars (and the bits in between) - (Trevor Robinson) St Michael’s 2pm
Friday 30th September no meeting
Friday 28th October Lunar and Mars Rovers - looking around without astronauts (mainly) - (Trevor Robinson) St Michael’s 2pm
Friday 25th November Meeting cancelled due to illness
Friday 23rd DecemberCHRISTMAS BREAK