Northumbria Region U3A


Founded in 1982, u3a is a UK-wide collection of locally-run interest groups that provide a wide range of opportunities to come together to learn for fun. People enjoy exploring new ideas, skills and activities together. There are over 1,000 u3as with over 380,000 members; membership costs on average less than £20/year and is open to everyone who is no longer in full-time work.


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We hope that you find useful and interesting information on this website. Please explore the different pages starting with the tabs (Members, Networks, Meetings, Events, etc) that can be seen at the top of each page. Remember to use your browser's back arrow to go back to the previous page, or click a new tab at the top of the page.

On the Members page you will find links to all the u3as in the region.

We also have a facebook page: nru3a facebook
