Northumbria Region U3A

Committee etc.

Oh no! Our proposed Treasurer has had to step down. Would you consider Job share? Click for more info Needing a new Treasurer.


Three Year Plan

The committee has developed a three year plan, starting this year.

Please read the pdf or the docx version as you prefer:

3 year pdf 3 year docx


Are you interested in presenting Regional Workshops?

Were you a teacher, presenter or have knowledge and the skills to present workshops to our u3a members?

You will be working with the Northumbria Regional Support Team. Members organise and present learning opportunities to and for all u3a members.

The team is a welcoming group. They will be able to pass on their expertise to new members. Presentations are never presented alone. Members always work as a team.

Workshops are the backbone of learning. The strapline of u3a is Learn, laugh, live. It’s important that Northumbria Region u3a are able to present workshops to ALL u3a members within the Region.

If you would like further information please contact Cecilia Coulson, Chair Northumbria u3a


Committee 2022-23

Chair Vice-Chair
Cecilia Coulson
Cecilia Coulson


Treasurer Business Secretary Website Editor
Mike Wallace Mary Barlow Peter
Mike Wallace Mary Barlow Peter Barnett
. Note: Mary Barlow is also 'Messenger' editor


Other Elected Committee Members

Ann Carr MalcolmTed Watt
Ann Carr Malcolm WilkinsonTed Watt

Co-opted Member

None at present


Regional Trustee
Jean Cubbin
Jean Cubbin

Who does what: Role Descriptions


Committee Meetings Minutes

Minutes of our committee meetings can be seen or downloaded here: Committee Minutes



Click here: Working Groups for general information.



The current version of the constitution: NRU3A Constitution 2022

Northumbria Region u3a is a Registered Charity, number 1116695


Accounts Information can be see by clicking here: Accounts etc


Other Important Documents can be seen/downloaded here: Policies and Procedures


National Agreement

We have signed, and have had countersigned by Sam Mauger, the agreement which allow us (Northumbria Region) to be recognised by the Trust. This includes use of the Logo.