Westbury & District

2023-07 AGM minutes


held on Tuesday, 11th July, 2023, at the URC Hall, Westbury

Committee Present: (EW) Erica Watson (Chairman)
(JH) Joy Hancock (Vice-Chair)
(FD) Faith Dyson (Secretary)
(JO) John Osborne (Vice Treasurer)
(MS) Maggie Skyrme (Group Co-ordinator)
(JF) Jen Faulks (Membership Secretary)
(PM) Pauline Medhurst (Speakers’ Secretary)
(CC) Chris Crosby ( Publicity)
(SC) Steve Crosby (Treasurer)

1 Apologies:
Margaret Richards, Caroline Los, Sarah Wiseman, Pat Wheatley, Linda & Phillip Fry,
and Richard & Val Blunden


2 Minutes:
The Agenda for this year’s AGM, and the Minutes of last year’s, had been circulated
to membership, and copies of the Minutes & Annual Accounts were on the tables, for
access by members.
The Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, 14 th June 2022, were accepted and
signed by EW as a true record.

3. Chairman’s Report:
EW welcomed members to the meeting and thanked the Committee members for all
their hard work during the past year, each of them in their elected positions,
cheerfully keeping the branch going. She also thanked other members, such as Carol
& Mike Peacock for maintaining & updating the website, Julie Vince for helping Maggie
Skyrme organise outings with the new Travel Buddies Group, John Faulkes, who,
together with Jen, welcome members to the monthly meetings, & Roy Hancock and
others for moving tables, chairs & etc every month. Keith Melford always helps as
well with IT, quizzes and other supportive tasks.
She mentioned that our branch has gradually grown in membership since lockdown
thanks to promotion material, word of mouth & several events. She also thanked
Group Leaders who arrange meetings & often lunches for their members. New Groups
that have been opened since she became Chair are the Strollers, Something Snappy,
Travel Buddies, a second Book Group and Creative Yarns.
Flowers have been delivered by JO, to Christine Curtis, the URC Caretaker, to thank
her for opening, closing, and most importantly, cleaning the hall for all users.
Although she is standing down as Chairman, she has accepted the nomination as Vice

Chairman, to help the new Chair settle into position. Though originally reluctant to
volunteer, she has enjoyed being part of the committee, and also meeting so many
friendly people at the monthly meetings. She looks forward to witnessing our branch
continue to grow and thrive.

4. Treasurer’s Report:
SC - Summary of the accounts were circulated at the end of March 2023. He
thanked JH for auditing the accounts, and KM for his continuing help with the
He explained to members present, that because of the increase in membership, &
other reasons, our income is up, and our end-of-year balance, in line with previous
years, is £3614. u3a financial guidance states that branches should aim to hold a
surplus that meets branch needs. The Committee decided our surplus was excessive,
and in line with u3a policy, agreed to reduce it in the 23/24 financial year.
SC proposed to adopt the accounts, seconded by EW, and this was agreed by all
members present.

5. Appointment of Examiner of Accounts:
Joy Hancock will audit the accounts again next year. JH
6. Resolutions:
7. Elections of Officers & Committee:
The following were elected for the coming year:
Chair: Keith Melford
Treasurer: Steve Crosby
Secretary: Faith Dyson
Vice-Chair: Erica Watson
Asst Treasurer: John Osborne
Group Co-Ordinator: Maggie Skyrme
Asst Co-Ordinator: Joy Hancock
Publicity & newsletter: Chris Crosby
Speakers’ Sec.: Pauline Medhurst
Membership Sec.: Jen Faulks
New Member: Eileen Taylor
JF, on behalf of the Committee Members, and all the branch members, presented EW
with a bouquet, in appreciation of all her hard work over the past 4/5 years.

We then proceeded with the afternoon’s monthly meeting, listening to a talk from Chris
O’Grady about one of his passions - “Fakes & Fortunes”, and finished off the day with tea and