

How to Join
If you wish to join Sudbury u3a please download the form on the right (or at the bottom on phones or tablets) by clicking on the link “Application Form”. Complete the form and return it with your payment to the membership secretary as indicated. Please consider completing the Gift Aid section too. If you are unable to download the form, please go to our Contact tab and complete the “For anything else” section, requesting a form be sent to you, or see us at one of our monthly coffee mornings in Sudbury (details under Events) where we will be pleased to sign you up.

New Members FAQ

Q I have joined the u3a but I don’t know anyone, how can I meet other members?

A We hold a coffee morning, free of charge, on the third Wednesday of each month at 10.00 a.m. at the Friends Meeting House, Friars Street in Sudbury where you can meet other members and representatives from the committee in a very relaxed atmosphere. Tea is also served.

Q How can I find out what is going on at Sudbury u3a?

A We publish a newsletter called Su3aN six times a year and our website is full of information. Please look at the Events and Groups tabs in particular

Q Can any member attend Speaker meetings?

A Yes. The Speaker meetings are free of charge and held monthly at the Sudbury Rugby Club. Talks are on a variety of topics given by expert speakers. Dates and speakers are listed on your membership card and the Events page of website. This is a very social event, an ideal opportunity to meet people and make friends.

Q How do I find. out about group activity

A On your membership card you will find a list of Groups and the contact details. Or look at the website under the Groups tab

Q: How much does it cost?
A: There is an annual fee which is typically £12 but this may vary from year to year. It is set at the annual general meeting.

Q: Do I have to pay to join a group?
A: Some groups are based in people’s homes, in which case there shouldn’t normally be any extra costs, other than for materials, such as in an art class. If the group hires a room for their meeting, then the membership of that group will share the hire cost.

Q: I have been told that I need to buy certain items before joining this group but I cannot afford it.
A: There is a start-up allowance for new groups which might be used initially to buy items to share. Sometimes leaders have things which past members have donated for use. Speak to your Group Leader, who can be found with details of the group.

Q: How many groups can I join?
A: There is no limit to how many groups you may join, other than whether you can fit them into your diary and whether they have vacancies.

Q: If there isn’t a group that does what I am interested in what can I do about it?
A: Speak to the Groups Co-Ordinator whose details are at the top of the Groups tab. There may be others who have expressed a similar interest. If there are sufficient other members interested in the same subject and one of those interested is willing to lead that group, then contact the Groups Co-Ordinator and efforts will be made to set up the group.

Q: I have tried to join several groups but there seem to be no vacancies.
A: Speak to the Groups Co-Ordinator whose details are at the top of the Groups page.

Q: I cannot always attend the group sessions, for example I always spend Christmas with my family abroad. Does this prevent me from being a member of this group?
A: No. Although we always hope that members will attend most meetings, they should not be turned away unless there are others waiting to join the group. Negotiation with the Group Leader may be necessary.

Q: I don’t like a member of the group who always tries to dominate proceedings.
A: We operate on an all-inclusive policy. Share your feelings with the Group Leader.