Stanmore & District

Report on 'Not the Normal Paranormal'

On Monday 19 September we were once again thoroughly entertained by Anthony Poulton-Smith and this time his subject was “Not the Normal Paranormal”

He has written about origin of place names and about Ley lines which took him to write about haunted Worcestershire and he collected stories to publish. He wrote Haunted Black Country and then started to share stories he learned about events and happenings that have no

One of his experiences whilst driving in October in the Midlands was on a road which had a dip (almost like a ford) it was late at night and in the headlights saw a Coach and Horses cross the road near a pub. Anthony asks, was it a memory? Or was it an apparition.

Another story at Wickenford in the Midlands, is about Lady Penelope Sandys. Her ghost rises in the mist each evening when sun sets over the streams. She was George Washington’s aunt who is also related to Anthony.

There were many more stories like this, and we had a very enjoyable and entertaining hour.