St Helens

Useful Resources

Here are some useful starter references for creative writing:

THE ARTIST'S WAY, BY JULIA CAMERON (1993). (Pan, ISBN 978-0-330-34358-9)
This book is not just about writing but creativity in general and is for those interested in art, poetry, playwriting and non-fiction. It is a guide (course) to unlocking creative potential by demystifying the process and tackling the blocks that prevent pursuit of a creative dream.

THE WRITER'S JOURNEY, BY CHRISTOPHER VOGLER (2007) (Micheal Weise, ISBN 13-978-1-932907-36-0)
A very readable resource. Volger builds on "The Hero's Journey" as depicted by Joseph Campbell (who also influenced Carl Jung) and explores the powerful relationship between mythology and storytelling and how this can create memorable stories, plots and characters. (As an example of how powerful this can be in story telling, George Lucas changed forever the way Hollywood does its blockbuster movies by basing his Star Wars films on Campbell's Hero's Journey.)

Don't be put off by the Zen aspect of this book. Goldberg has lots of useful writing tips and some useful practices and exercises.

THE ART OF FICTION BY DAVID LODGE (1992). London: Penguin. (ISBN 0-14-017492-3)
David Lodge was a Professor of English Literature before he wrote his best selling novel and later TV drama series 'Nice Work' and his subsequent bestselling novels about campus life. He has written text books on literary criticism as well as his comic stories. 'The Art of Fiction' is a series of essays originally published for readers of the 'Independent on Sunday'.

No doubt we will add to this list as time goes on.