Soar Valley

Code of Conduct

Member Code of Conduct

Soar Valley u3a members are expected to conduct themselves in line with the national u3a Guiding Principles, which can be found on the Third Age Trust website. Specifically:

• Members are expected to know, follow and promote the principles of the u3a Movement at every opportunity.
• Members must always act in the best interests of Soar Valley u3a and the u3a Movement, strive to uphold its reputation and never do anything which could bring their own, another u3a or the u3a Movement into disrepute or expose it to undue risk.
• Members are expected to use Soar Valley u3a’s resources responsibly and only to further its stated charitable objects/purposes. The u3a is a non-political and non-religious organisation and Members may not share material of this nature with other u3a Members.
• Members may only use the database information provided by Soar Valley u3a for matters associated with u3a business or group activities and not for personal purposes.
• Members are expected to reflect the current guidance provided by the Committee of Soar Valley u3a, regardless of whether it conflicts with their personal views.
• Members are expected to treat each other with dignity and respect at all times.
• Members who have (or believe they have) contracted any infectious ailment shall not attend Soar Valley u3a events of any kind until they are no longer infectious.

Adherence to the above represents a condition of membership of Soar Valley u3a.

Issued by Soar Valley u3a committee 25th May 2022