Soar Valley

About Us

The u3a Movement

The u3a is a self-help organisation for people who are retired or semi-retired that provides educational, creative and leisure opportunities for members. There are around a thousand local, independently managed u3as all over the country, which are charities in their own right. They’re entirely run by volunteers. Local u3as draw on the knowledge, experience and skills of their own members to organise and provide interest groups in accordance with the wishes of the membership.

The Third Age Trust is the national representative body for all u3as in the UK.

Soar Valley u3a

We have around forty special interest groups that are managed by members and indoor activities normally take place in members’ homes or hired premises. During lockdown some have groups have met ‘virtually’ on Zoom and may continue to do so. A full list of groups can be found here: Groups. There may be a waiting list for some but a new group can be formed at any time if there’s sufficient interest and volunteers with the appropriate expertise.

You can also find out more about our scheduled day outings, social events and guest speaker general meetings here: Events

An annual membership fee of £12 (£9 if currently a member of another u3a) is renewable on 1st March each year. Some groups may apply an additional small charge per session for hire of premises or equipment; trips and some social events are charged separately. See Membership for joining details and an application form.

As an organisation entirely dependent on volunteers we particularly encourage members to take on active roles where they can.

Soar Valley u3a welcomes members from Costock, East Leake, Gotham, Kegworth, Normanton on Soar, Sutton Bonington, and adjacent areas.

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