Scunthorpe & District

Group Leader

Group leaders are invaluable to our u3a. They take on responsibility for organising a group, which can involve setting dates and times, agreeing a location with interested members and establishing a programme.
Group leaders may or may not have expertise in the subject; they are just prepared to give some of their time to making a group happen. Groups may have more than one leader with group members sharing the responsibility. Groups can be large or small, active participation and enthusiasm are the only necessary criteria.
Anyone can start a group and support is always there. The key is enjoyment.

If you have knowledge, skills or even just an idea, please use the Contact page to share your thoughts with us.

Before you start your group, please read the Group Leader Handout we have compiled which gives you a lot of guidance about what to do.

Depending on the type of group you want to run, you may need to find a somewhere for your group to meet. We have compiled a useful Venue List.

Once your group is up and running, finances may be involved. There are 3 versions of the forms we require to be completed . Choose the one that suits you and give it to the Treasurer when requested at the end of the financial year.

Finance Form Exel
Finance Form Libre Office
Finance Form Paper

If your group pays for a speaker at any time, a receipt will be needed. Find the form here
Speaker Reciept

There are other forms available that you may never need.
Accident Form
Carer Form

Finally, the Third Age Trust has created a bank of Subject Advisers for several subjects. They can be contacted for help and advice on their subjects.