

Group Leader - Bob Purser Tel: 01604 785836 / 0798005 1777
Deputy - Sue Barker Tel: 01604 811961 / 07881827224

We meet on 1st Thursdays at 10.30am at the Northamptonshire Natural History Society, Humphrey Rooms, 10 Castilian Terrace, Northampton NN1 1LD.

Would you like to learn about the Earth beneath your feet?

We span a range of topics including the geology of Northamptonshire, modern geological theories, the great names of geology, and the stratigraphical column as well as hands on sessions looking at minerals, rocks and fossils and stone from which local buildings are made. We also undertake geological walks and visits to Museums and local sites of interest.

No previous knowledge is required.

Cost is £3.00 per session which includes tea/coffee and biscuits

New members are very welcome

For more information contact Bob or Sue on the above numbers or email using the link on the right.

Updated 0224