
New Members Joining Through a Group

This page is for documents required by Group Leaders for managing their Groups and our Policies.
Many of these will be links to files stored on this website.
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THEN read the document or print it out as required.

New Members joining through a group

In recent months several enquiries about joining Halesowen U3A have been from people who want to join a specific group rather than to come to general meetings. If we discourage this we will lose potential new members so we need to have a system where group leaders know how to deal with this.

In most cases the enquiry will have originated with the website & so will come via me as the membership secretary. I would then ask permission to pass on the enquirer's email address to the relevant group leader(s) who can then give information about the group(s) & arrange for the person to attend a meeting. No new member should arrive unexpectedly at a group meeting.

When I reply to an enquiry I always set out the relevant subscription payment.
When the potential member arrives at their first meeting the group leader will need to:
• ask them to complete a visitor form Visitor Form 2024 if they have not already done so. This gives me all the details I need to enter them on the Beacon database.
• relieve them of £5 visitor fee.
• Complete the Visitors Receipt Letter which is their receipt for the fee, & give it to them.

After the meeting, let me know the name/s of any new member/s, either by phone or email, & then, when convenient, pass the payment to me or to Martin.

I will then either email or post a copy of the full current programme to them.

After a third meeting has been attended I will email or ring the person to remind them that they need to pay the balance of the full membership fee.

I will then email or post a membership 'pack' which includes an application form for them to complete & return either to me or to the group leader.

The documents in this pack are also available to group leaders on our website...
New Member Letter
u3a Principles and Vision
Objectives and Conditions
Membership Application Form

so you may be happy to print them off & hand them to the new member personally.

I can be in email contact with the new member & the group leader to provide support throughout this process.

Ann T. October 2023