Eastleigh District


Welfare Officer

Eastleigh District u3a has a Welfare Officer who has been a member for many years, her name is Glenda.

Her aim is to be a point of contact so that any U3A member can raise issues connected to welfare and accessibility, in order to increase involvement and enjoyment.
This includes supporting members with hearing impairments, visual impairments and mobility issues, both at monthly open meetings, as well as being able to access the interest groups they wish to join.

However, we can only help if we know about any issues that are causing problems.

Please do contact her if you, or any member you know has a suggestion about how we can improve things.

You can contact her by clicking on the blue bird in right hand column.>>>

You can phone her, number is available in your New Members Booklet.
Alternatively she is usually at the monthly open meetings, if you would prefer to chat in person.

She will be making sure that cards and best wishes are sent to those who, have been in hospital or unwell, or any member who is bereaved.
Please let Glenda know if there is someone needing a bit of u3Aa TLC.