Berwyn & District

Clucks from Derwen

Hi everyone,
we have a new member, Jude. She wants to set up and own a few chickens or ducks. I am beginning to wonder if I am fit to run the group as I seem to be losing all my beloved pets. What with Charlie & Freddie my two guineas who just disappeared. Then my female guinea who escaped when a flock of sheep or a badger knocked her door open and she was hit by someone speeding down our quiet track. Well now my little red hen's died. She laid an egg every day through the snow & rain. So I only have little Tuffty Two (who now dislikes me) 2 cockerels & 2 guinea fowl.
The good new is that we may be able to set the creatures free the last day of the month. Gillian heard about it and informed me, then this morning a lady from DEFRA phoned and said if no other cases of avian flu were reported by the 31st we should be okay to let them out. Fingers crossed.

Stay safe,