Berwyn & District

Finding your way around

Use the Tabs in the Berwyn and District Header to choose your area of interest.

  • Most pages contain links to further information.
  • Links will be in bold type and usually blue.
  • If you have followed a link before it will show in a different colour, usually purple.
  • If you have difficulty reading the page text you can use Ctrl & + together to enlarge it or Ctrl & - together to make it smaller again.

Wherever there are images on a page you can tap or click on them to open up a larger version.

  • You will see links to select Previous or Next picture or return to the page.
  • Many pictures will also show some more information in the caption beneath the larger image.

Information about our Interest Groups

  • From the Groups Tab you can tap or click any Group's name to open a page with more information about the group including their planned schedule. Their planned events will be shown here and also on the Events tab.
  • The Group's page will always show how to contact the Group Leader.
  • In most cases you can send an email directly to the Group leader by tapping or clicking the Blue pigeon in the top right corner of the page.
  • Some Groups have links to more pages with details of their activities over the previous year.

Our Organisation

  • Berwyn and District U3A is administered by an elected Committee whose names you can find on the Contacts Tab.
  • You can send an email message to any officer by tapping or clicking on their Role.
  • Membership and Financial data is managed using the U3A Beacon system. Details of how members can check their own record can be found on the Beacon and Privacy page.
  • To keep in touch with our membership our Committee and Group Leaders use Beacon email.

Picture "Archive" - Potpourri

  • Tap or click the Gallery Tab to view a selection of pictures uploaded to this site.
  • The pictures are not sorted in any meaningful way and will seem somewhat haphazard possibly with some duplication.
  • You can scroll through the whole gallery page by page using "Next" or "Previous"
  • You can tap or click any picture to view a full size version then step forward using "Next picture on this site" or jump directly to the page that includes the picture.


  • If you notice any error or omission on these pages please advise me by sending an email to webmaster.