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Our interest groups have resumed their usual activities and we will be very pleased to welcome new members. Check the Events page to find current information about when and where our next meetings will be held.
The University of the Third Age (U3A) is an international self-help organisation for retired and semi-retired people, which provides educational, creative and leisure opportunities in lifelong learning. The success of each U3A is that they draw on the knowledge, experience and skills of their own members. No formal qualifications are required or awarded. For an up to date snapshot of u3a activities around the UK see the latest Third Age Trust Newsletter
Berwyn and District U3A is a growing association for members from the Edeyrnion area of South Denbighshire. We hold an Open Meeting at Canolfan Ni in Corwen on the third Monday each month at 2 p.m.where you will have an opportunity to join our group. We also have various Interest Groups where you can enjoy a wide variety of activities and interests. These meetings also offer a chance to make new friends, share interests and develop new skills in an informal and friendly atmosphere. You can find out more on our Groups page and see what's planned on the Events page.
Our subscription is £15 per year. This includes our affiliation costs to U3A Head office for their admin, insurance etc the rest is for hall hire and running expenses for our group. The subscription may be reduced for members joining part way through the year. Some of our interest groups also subscribe to costs of their venue although most meet in members houses. You can download an Individual Membership Application Form here. You should read our Privacy Policy in conjunction with the application form.
If you would like to join any of our groups or start up a new one, please contact us. If you can't see a group participating in your particular interest, why not start one yourself? You will find all the help you need from our Groups Co-ordinator.
Berwyn and District members can also register at the U3A Members Area to access many additional resources. Some of these may be of particular value to interest group leaders.
Please use the Events tab above to see what we have planned.
Click contact us to send a message to any committee member.