Paisley & District

Welcome to Paisley & District u3a


Welcome to Paisley & District u3a website

Next meeting

Thursday 6th June 2024

‘The Book of Here and There.’

Dr Stuart Nisbet explores Renfrewshire links to the 18th century slave trade.

His talk covers historical research featured in his recent novel.

in Salvation Army hall, Mill Street, Paisley.

see you at 1.30pm for 2.

Please check out our Newsletter for all the latest u3a news.

MarchAprilMay24 newsletter


Also check out all that's happening March through to May
- What\'s on at a glance


“Plenty Going On" says our Chair Kathy O'Donnell

u3a is a UK-wide peer learning movement.

Our organisation offers various opportunities to adults no longer working full-time to try new things.
“Learn as you go, have a laugh and live life to the full” is the strapline and is at the heart of u3a.

Paisley & District u3a is proud to be the 50th u3a in Scotland.

We are an inclusive organisation, led by volunteers where members share their knowledge and skills.
Not only do we offer monthly meetings, we also have a number of interest and activity groups.

There is plenty going on at Paisley & District u3a. Why not give us a try? - Come and Join us

Interest & Activity groups

With nearly 150 members, we have a growing number of interest/activity groups to choose from. Why not have a go at subjects from Art Appreciation to Walking also Crochet, Pickleball, Conversational Spanish.

Check out Groups page if you are interested. Groups

Monthly meetings

Each month our members hear from interesting guest speakers. They can also enjoy a tea/coffee and meet new people. We update everyone on the latest new groups, social outings, and events, so you have these dates for your diary.

Paisley & District u3a is a place to learn new things, socialise and have fun as you share what you know, and make some new friends.

Being a u3a member is a good way to stay physically and mentally active. It costs £25 a year to join.
You are welcome to try one or two sessions before you become a Paisley & District u3a member.
Anyone living in or near the Paisley area can join our u3a if you are no longer in full time employment.

Want to join in ? Please go to the Join Us page for more details

The Salvation Army Hall has a new Audio visual system which includes new monitors & an audio induction Loop.

Next Monthly meeting

Dr Stuart Nisbet will talk about Renfrewshire links to the 18th century slave trade,

come along at 1.30 for a 2 o'clock start.