
About us

The u3a is a self-help organisation for people no longer in full-time employment, providing educational, creative and leisure opportunities in a friendly environment. We are a local u3a group based in Torquay, but we welcome members from all over Torbay and its surrounding area.

Membership is not related to a specific age, but to a period in one’s life (the third age) after the second age of full-time employment and parental responsibility. Anybody in their third age can join u3a, and this includes people who are working part-time. There is no lower age for membership.

We are a charity in our own right (Registered Charity Number 1045085) and are run entirely by volunteers. We draw upon the knowledge, experience and skills of our members to organise and provide interest groups in accordance with the wishes of the membership. We offer the chance to study a range of subjects and enjoy a variety of creative, active and social events – and we welcome new ideas for courses and activities.

We are affiliated to The Third Age Trust, which is the national representative body for u3as in the UK. For further information about the university of the third age including its Aims & Principles and locations of other local u3as, click the link.

We are administered and managed in accordance with our constitution by our members elected to the Executive Committee. For further information on current Committee membership, roles and our Constitution and Data Protection Statement policies, please click on the Documents link above.

See History of Torbay u3a and the History of the u3a movement including its origins in France.


We now have our own Torbay u3a Facebook Page. If you follow this page we will keep you updated with the latest news via email. We also have a Torbay u3a Facebook Group where members can post their own comments, photos or anything that may be of interest. You will need to have a Facebook account and be a member of Torbay u3a in order to join.

The National u3a also host the following Facebook groups which may be of interest.

u3a: Keeping in Touch - A group for u3a members to stay in contact with each other and also a place to share ideas u3as are using to maintain learning and interests.
u3a: Lets Talk Tech - A discussion group covering a wide range of technologies. The group is not intended to offer one to one support or advice to individual members or u3as.
u3a: Fit for the Future - A group for members to discuss subjects which concern the governance, finance and strategy of the u3a movement.