St Ives (Cambs)

Yoga - further information

Tips for Beginners

  • Wear comfortable stretchy clothes - buttons and zips can be uncomfortable.
  • Bring a sticky yoga mat to prevent slipping and give some cushioning.
  • Bring a blanket and possibly a cushion for the relaxation, warm clothes, socks etc.
  • Avoid a big lunch!
  • You don't have to do everything, and it doesn't have to be perfect.

What is Yoga?

  • Lots of different things with a variety of traditional teaching.
  • Yoga is adaptive, and can be for any body.
  • Yoga is a union of your body, mind and spirit. Yoga should be joy not pain.
  • Yoga helps to bring a sense of equanimity, balance into your life.
  • Yoga is more of a daily vitamin pill than an Elastoplast, a routine to give you improved strength, flexibility and balance, to help you relax and cope with stress. Regular practice helps.
  • Yoga is not just exercise but works on your physical body, your muscles, joints, circulation and breathing.
  • Practice at your level as your body is today. Each day is different, each body is different. Yoga is not a competition, this is a social group so interact with each other, appreciate each other but don't try to do anyone else's posture.
  • Be kind to yourself, not aggressive, be appreciative of what you can do and leave behind the critical inner voice.
  • Be patient with yourself.

*** Reminder ***

Yoga is not a substitute for medical treatment. If you have any doubts about your physical ability or any ongoing medical conditions please speak to your medical professional about yoga. If you want to let me know of your medical conditions you can do so in confidence via the blue envelope email link on this page, or speak to me directly.

Karen Martin