St Ives (Cambs)

Bitesize Groups

"Bitesize Groups" are temporary groups which run for a limited number of sessions. They may be open to all members, or you may need to have registered to join. They can be a trial that could be continued on a permanent basis if there is sufficient interest.

At any one time there may be anything from none to several Bitesize Groups available. The details of all Bitesize Groups currently running, or proposed, are listed below (with links to more information where available):

Current Bitesize Groups

  • [None at present]


You must be a paid-up member of St Ives (Cambs) u3a before you can take part in any Bitesize Group.

If you would like to find out more about any Bitesize Group that does not have its own page, or register an interest, please let the Group Support Team know via the blue envelope link (often on the top right of this page), mentioning which Bitesize Group you are interested in.

Also use the blue envelope link if you have a new Bitesize Group that you would like to propose organising.

(Note that the name "Bitesize Groups" came from Palmers Green & Southgate u3a who have any number of them available at any time - see PGS Bitesize.)