St Ives (Cambs)

World Drama: Useful links for 2024-2025

If you click on any of these links (usually identified with a different colour in your browser, such as blue or purple) then you will be taken to another useful website, or to YouTube to view a video, or it will download a useful PDF document. If you need any help or guidance with this, please contact the Web Manager.


Poetry in Translation
Project Gutenberg(e.g. Pirandello, Synge, Wilde, Shaw)
Project Gutenberg Australia (e.g. O'Neill)
Project Gutenberg Canada(e.g. Goldoni)
Standard ebooks
Elizabethan and Jacobean play scripts

BBC series on Ancient Greek drama

A great introduction to the birth of drama in Ancient Greece
Ancient Greek drama Episode 1
Ancient Greek drama Episode 2

Introduction to Greek theatre

Introduction to Greek theatre-1
Introduction to Greek theatre-2

Open University series on Greek theatre

OU: Attending the theatre
OU: Actors

Physical form of Greek theatre

Physical form of Greek theatre

Edith Hall

Edith Hall is probably the leadingUK expert on Greek drama
A lot of her stuff is very readable
a book by her on Greek TragedyEdith Hall on Greek Tragedy (PDF)
The Introduction is worth readingat this stage
(and you might skim throughthe next chapter on 'Play makers')

Ibsen - A Doll's House

Ibsen - A Dolls House: 1992 productionof the play
Ibsen - A Dolls House: 1973 production
Ibsen - A Dolls House: New York Times review of recent production
Ibsen - A Dolls House: Guardian review from 2013
Ibsen - A Dolls House: In Our Time(Melvyn Bragg) discussion of Ibsen
Ibsen - A Dolls House: Short documentary(with spoilers)

Sophocles - Oedipus the King

Oedipus the King: 1957 productionof the play
Oedipus the King: Historical context
Oedipus the King: In Our Time(Melvyn Bragg) discussion of the play
Oedipus the King: Influential paperon the play
Oedipus the King: Myth of Oedipus

Pirandello - Six Characters in Search of an Author

Six Characters: Lecture
Six Characters: Ten Great WritersEpisode from 1987 series
Six Characters: Articleon the play
Six Characters: Los Angeles Times review
Six Characters: LibriVox audio versionof the play

Shakespeare - Othello

Shakespeare - Othello: 1965 filmversion with star cast

Ibsen - Ghosts

Ibsen – Ghosts: 1987 film versionwith star cast

Wedekind - The Awakening of Spring

Wedekind: LibriVox audio version
Wedekind: Reading of the play
Wedekind: Yale University article
Wedekind: Homoeroticism in the play

Sophocles - Antigone

Antigone: 1986 film version
Antigone: Short video on the play
Antigone: In Our Time(Melvyn Bragg) discussion of the play
Antigone: Short video about the play 1
Antigone: Short video about the play 2
Antigone: Short video about the play 3
Antigone: Short video about the play 4