St Ives (Cambs)

Insurance - Further Information

The u3a nationally has insurance policies that cover some risks faced by Trustees, Group Leaders and Members. But there are limits.

Our understanding is summarised below (and in the Insurance for Group Leaders FAQ document), and further details are contained in these national u3a documents:

For what to do in the event of an incident see the bottom of the page. If you have any questions about insurance please email using the link above right.

The Policies

  • Public and products liability - the policy most relevant to all of us, more on this below
  • Cyber cover - subject to certain fairly strict processes and procedures being in force (excess £1000)
  • Tour operators’ liability insurance - only relevant for trips where there is overnight accommodation
  • Charity trustees management liability - indemnity for the legal liability of trustees (with exclusions)
  • All risks equipment insurance - for property owned by, or lent to, our u3a (note that, for this policy, it must be kept in a member's home, or in a locked cupboard or room when the premises are not in use by the u3a)
  • All risks home contents cover - covers damage to the property of any u3a member whilst their home is being used to host a u3a event (excess £250, and excludes unexplained loss)
  • Money cover - covers u3a cash held in members’ homes, hired premises and in transit (max £1000)

Note that even though it is usually possible to provide cover for a special event (eg an arts and crafts fair) if you contact the National Office in good time, it is not covered by our standard policy.

The Public and Products Liability Policy

This indemnifies members against compensation which they become legally liable to pay, following injury or property damage sustained to others (members and non-members) as a result of a u3a activity. The most common issue is negligence.

Cover includes equipment and legal activities (such as dealing with any allegations) but excludes any activity that uses an engine! [For example, if during a trip a u3a member accidentally knocks another visitor into the river, they are covered against claims by said damp individual]

Public liability does not cover pure accidents where no legal liability has been established. [For example, if you fall in the river and damage yourself and your smartphone, you are not covered by u3a insurance.]

Individuals requiring Personal Accident insurance should arrange cover independently. Some household policies may cover personal accident.

What about non-members?

In the strictest sense, the u3a public and products liability policy covers the liabilities of only paid up members - so individuals that want the benefit(s) of a u3a activity need to become members.

Underwriters accept that the liabilities of four categories of non-member are covered by the policy:-

  • Prospective members of the u3a attending a group activity or Open Meeting once or twice to see if they like it
  • Casual visitors who volunteer once or twice to help the u3a, perhaps a spouse of a partner setting out some chairs for a u3a event
  • A member’s carer (with committee approval) - note that a professional carer must be covered by their own insurance
  • Outside speakers (note that we do not allow paid tutors, and paid speakers are expected to also have their own insurance)

Other than these very limited categories the advice is that non-members should not attend u3a activities as, if they are involved in an incident, the u3a might find itself without liability cover. We have (or need to have) specific guidance on these situations.

Public attending a u3a event (eg as an audience) are "third parties". Insurers accept that all u3as will stage various concerts, events & exhibitions etc where members of the public are invited. This is fine, and is different to participating in u3a activity.

Key points to remember

  • For insurance purposes it does not matter which u3a you are a member of
  • The policy includes 'member to member' cover, so if somebody is injured undertaking a u3a activity and legal liability could be proven against another member (eg a Group Leader), the insurers will deal with it
  • For third party property damage, there is an excess of £500 per claim which our u3a is responsible for
  • Our Insurance does not cover personal accidents – ie if you damage yourself or your belongings

In the event of an incident

Do not admit liability or fault, even when you believe that this is the case. The insurers reserve the right to make this determination and would have the right to refuse cover if liability/fault had been admitted. In the event of a claim being submitted, it is important to let the Third Age Trust know straight away.

An Incident Report form should be filled in by the Group Leader, and sent to the Secretary. It should be retained on file by the committee in case of a future claim for damages, which can be up to 3 years later.

With thanks to national u3a and Southwell u3a for some of the text.