St Ives (Cambs)

Future Spanish Fiction Choices

The next few books will be graded readers, all pitched at A2 to B1 level (initially just below GCSE, and later just above):

- Further volumes in the Lola Lago series.

- Books in the Lecturas de español series published by Edinumen, e.g. Volver.

- Volumes of detective stories published by the German publishers Circon Verlag, e.g. Huellas de Sangre and El Misterio del Camino de Santiago.

- Spanish short stories for beginners published by LingoMastery.

Beyond that, we will have a go at some ‘authentic’ Spanish fiction, but at the easier end of the spectrum. Our choices will depend on availability of sufficient copies, but might include the following (not all originally written in Spanish):
- Cuentos de la Selva by Horacio Quiroga;
- Manual para Mujeres de la Limpieza by Lucia Berlin;
- El Alquimista by Paulo Coelho;
- El Viejo y el Mar by Ernest Hemingway;
- El Príncipe de la Niebla by Carlos Ruiz Zafón;
- El Lector by Bernhard Schlink;
- Dónde enterré a Fabiana Orquera by Cristian Perfumo.