Forfar & District

Conversational Spanish

The Group Leader is Jim Miller and he can be contacted using the pigeon link.

This group has proved very popular during its setting up stage and Jim has taken the decision to close the Group to new members at present.

Work is ongoing to establish it's ways of working. Members who attend have a broad range of abilities so the decision has been made to divide into sub-groups according to ability.

The sub-groups in this u3a group are: Tenerife, Madrid, Barcelona and Fuengirola.

The Group will meet on the third Thursday of the month at 10am in the Adult Learning Room at Forfar Community Campus.

If you are interested in joining the Group in future, please feel able to email Jim using the pigeon link to let him know.

The Duolingo app will be used by most of the attendees so if you can't join the group just now, you may want to have a look at Duolingo - it is a gentle, fun way of starting your journey into a new language.

More Group Pages
Books Books (2nd Group) Bridge Colouring & Chat
Conversational French Conversational Spanish Games Gardening
Knitting & Crochet Combined Local History Mahjong Metal Detecting
Philosophy & Ethics, beginners Photography Quizzing for Fun Singing for Fun
Table Tennis Theatre Goers Walking Wellness
More Group Pages
Books Books (2nd Group)
Bridge Colouring & Chat
Conversational French Conversational Spanish
Games Gardening
Knitting & Crochet Combined Local History
Mahjong Metal Detecting
Philosophy & Ethics, beginners Photography
Quizzing for Fun Singing for Fun
Table Tennis Theatre Goers
Walking Wellness