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To give variety to style and discussion each meeting will have a different chair for the session who will propose about three topics for discussion. These can be added to if the conversation on the chosen topics runs out of steam.
Each meeting will last for 90 minutes.

In today's world of disasters with half-baked solutions, we feel that we have all or some of the solutions to these problems and yet we have no outlet for our views. Well we have now and it is called Current Affairs or so we would like to think and might I say it is great to get things 'off your chest'

We would meet for Discussion on topical matters, local, national and international, chosen from news and local burning issues. Each month the group would discuss a topic chosen by a member of the group and the group would question or pose a viewpoint and explore opposing views.

Any topic may be discussed, however as one may expect, no comments deriding a member's views, however bizarre, will be tolerated. Topics will be decided by the group in advance to give each some thought.

All of us have thoughts and opinions, but many of us prefer to stay in the background and not express them. However, the Discussion Group would offer the chance of meeting in a friendly environment, of listening to views expressed by others and if the mood takes, to express one’s own thoughts on the topic in question.

To keep the discussion friendly we have a set of rules which are to be:
1.Subject matter raised should not offend.
2.Every individual is entitled to give his or her opinion whether right or wrong without interruption.
3.Any person expressing an opinion should address their remarks to the chairman.
4.We try to avoid continued interruption by others, and insist that continued interruption will lead to exclusion for that individual for that session, after making a few goodwill approaches to calm it down.

Contact Dunelm U3A Secretary using the link in the side bar

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