About Us
Dundee u3a
Dundee u3a, which is a charitable organisation, was founded in 1992 by one of our Honorary Members, Norman Tully, who had returned to live in Dundee after spending several years living in Australia, where he and his wife had been active members of a u3a.
At present we have over 500 members and offer approximately 40 classes which are run by voluntary Group Leaders. We have quite a range of subjects on offer, but like many other u3as we are always looking for people who would be willing to give up some of their free time to share their expertise and experience in any activity.
The cost to join Dundee u3a is £13 for this 2024/5 year which includes membership of as many groups as you wish. Attendances at Community Centre group activities cost £1.50 per member per session.
The u3a, formerly known as ‘University of the Third Age’, began in France in 1972 and was adopted in the U.K. in 1981. The term “third age” refers to the period of life when one is no longer in full-time employment and no longer raising a family - it is not a specific, numerical age. In the U.K. u3as are self-help endeavours, consisting of groups of people who come together to share their knowledge, skills and experience in an informal situation.
Membership of a u3a is open to all men and women without discrimination as to race, religion or politics and each u3a belongs to the national organisation, the Third Age Trust, which is run by a democratically elected committee of members.
There are now over 1000 U3As in Britain, with 54 in Scotland.