Dart Valley


This page links to the boring but necessary materials that all groups might need from time to time. The links to the right take you to each document. Please feel free to copy them for your own use.
New Group leaflet This is an introductory leaflet to help new Groups get underway.
Convener's Handbook gives all the advice available from central u3a.
Register. A register for you to print and use.
Risk Assessment Form. Groups may need to check the venue for safety and access issues.
Incident Report. If there is a serious accident as part of group activity complete this report and return it to the Groups Coordinator as soon as possible.
Also the Dart Valley u3a Membership form is available through the Links page of our website.
General Data Protection Regulation Our policy on data-protection, email addresses and storage of personal information
Code of Conduct Our code of conduct and the outline of our disciplinary processes in the event of disruptive behaviour and disputes.
Membership form for you to print and give to visitors who may wish to join.