
19/21 Low Street, Winterton

19 Low Street, Winterton

A beautiful half acre garden with an emphasis on dense sub tropical planting, although there are other distinct areas too, including an arid bed, greenhouses, an extensive variety of pots and planters, ornamental pond, wildlife pond set in informal area, soft fruit, cut flower garden and seating areas. You could easily spend half a day enjoying this garden. Well worth a visit. Opens under the National Garden Scheme.

Winterton Winterton Winterton Winterton
Winterton Winterton Winterton Winterton
Winterton Winterton Winterton Winterton
Winterton Winterton Winterton Winterton

21 Low Street, Winterton

Another half acre garden which originally consisted of shrubs that been allowed free rein. The beds and borders have now been enlarged and are mostly planted with herbaceous perennials. There is also a large area given over to vegetables and soft fruits. This garden is also open under the National Garden Scheme.

Winterton Winterton Winterton Winterton
Winterton Winterton