

A new Facebook Closed Group page has been set up so that any U3A information can be shared with members.
Members can also post stories and photos to the page showing how they are coping with the current lockdown.
As of today 01 December 2020 we have 40 members.

If you already have a Facebook Account: To access Cottingham U3A Group page please click: Facebook Page on the right.

For those who do not use Facebook,(and we know that a lot of people don't like using Social Media) but would like to view our Facebook page you will need to go on to and then sign up for an account. Once you have an account you can access our page by clicking on the link on this page. If you do sign up for an account there is no need to use it for anything else but viewing our page which is a private page. This means only members of our U3A will be able to see posts on the page.