Wem & District


We are a small group of people who enjoy taking photographs and want to learn more in the company of others. If you use a phone camera, compact camera or more advanced camera come join us, we are sure you will enjoy yourself.

We meet every Monday morning (subject to Bank Holidays). We alternate between going out on photo shoots and meeting (for coffee) at local hostelry. The group jointly agrees where its outdoor photo shoots will be.

If the weather is unsuitable for an outdoor trip, we set a photographic exercise/challenge for members to undertake individually. We bring the resultant pictures (electronically) to our next indoor meeting.

At these meetings we view each other’s photographs, talk about the how the results were achieved and possible ways that the photos could be improved. We use this method to try to learn from each other and how to improve the composition and other technical aspects of our photographs.

If anyone has a problem our more experienced photographers can usually help.

for more information contact either:
Richard Hamilton Foyn (Group Leader) - rfoyn@madasafish.com
Peter Brown (Programme Coordinator) – pbrownwps@gmail.com