Shoreham & Southwick

Your Committee

Your u3a Committee for Shoreham & Southwick 2023-24

To email a member of the Committee, please use the email link on this page.

CHAIR:Sue LawrenceSue Lawrence
Secretary:Sorrel BourneSorrel Bourne
Treasurer:Jo MatthewsJo Matthews
Membership & Vice Chair:Karen HewittKaren Hewitt
Groups Support:Lesley Mason (co-opted)Lesley Mason
Minutes Secretary & Publicity:Lesley Scarff (co-opted)Lesley Scarff
Newsletter Editor:Laura WatsonLaura Watson
Volunteers Coordinator:Sheila BradySheila Brady
WebmasterAlan CrossAlan Cross
Room Bookings:Tony BourneTony Bourne
General Member:Ross WorkmanRoss Workman

We are always looking for people to join the Committee; please contact any committee member.