
Comments from the Chairman in 2020

15th March 2020

Having stayed on as Chairman for an extra year I am now near to completing my four-year term of office. However, the May AGM has been postponed because of the coronavirus crisis so I am not sure when I will actually step down. We have also cancelled the next three General Meetings as we are anxious to take our responsibility regarding the coronavirus seriously in view of our age group and our vulnerability. We are monitoring the situation daily and as it says on the website, do check with your group leaders as to what is happening with your group.

I want to say a sincere thank you to the Committee, Group Leaders and Members who have supported and encouraged me through the last four years. There have been ups and downs, but I think I can safely say that there have been more ‘ups’ than downs. I have learnt a lot and enjoyed seeing new members flourishing in the groups and some coming onto committee. U3A is a wonderful organisation that has so much to offer to retired and semi-retired people. The Events sheet, listing all the groups for the month, includes leisure, social and learning opportunities and this is all summed up in the U3A strapline: Learn, Laugh & Live.

I have enjoyed my time as Chairman very much, but it is time to step aside and have new blood at the helm. The committee will be changing and with the various personalities and gifting Newquay U3A is in good hands.

This may be my last opportunity to occupy this space, so I heartily recommend
Newquay U3A to you. Hopefully it will not be long before we return to our normal monthly meetings and being involved in so many wonderful Interest Groups.

Best wishes to you all.

Gret Woodason