
Coronavirus Position Statement

Date: 19th March 2020, updated 24th March – Author: Chairman

The Macclesfield U3A committee recognises that almost all of our members may be considered to be in a vulnerable group, either age-related or due to conditions. Current government advice to implement social distancing is targeted at ensuring vulnerable groups do not catch the disease, given that there is currently no vaccine or effective medicine to deal with the infection. Our position on social distancing is therefore as follows:

  • Working with the government suggested 12 week period of social distancing, which started on 16th of March 2020, our position applies up to the end of June 2020.
  • By default, the remaining members mornings in our current programme are cancelled. If the situation improves, we may consider reinstating those events.
  • We will continue planning for and communicating about the annual general meeting planned for April 23rd. It is very unlikely this meeting will be able to go ahead and we will follow national advice, as most recently shared at the time. We will look for every opportunity to hold the AGM before the end of July, as required in our constitution. If we cannot do that by the end of July, we will probably work on the basis that a special committee meeting will be held to constitute the AGM, taking into account written concerns and communications from the membership.
  • All other Macclesfield U3A groups who use non-home-based meeting facilities are recommended to cancel those meetings during the social distancing period.
  • All groups who meet in a private home or controlled environment should now cease meeting and suspend all activity, based on the government announcements on 24th March.
  • Outdoor based groups e.g walking and bird watching should now cease meeting and suspend all activity until restrictions are lifted.
  • Macclesfield U3A committee will continue to operate on the basis of national U3A and government advice. Our current position will continue to be published on this news page on our main website until further notice.
  • Financially, we will honour any near term (The 12 week period) commitments we have made with halls and suppliers were we initiate the cancellation of meetings. Where the venue is closed by the operators or supplier withdraws services we would not expect to pay. We should make no new financial commitments going forward, with immediate effect, at an appropriate point the committee will approve the start of new commitments.
  • We will postpone the proposed 50p venue charges, due to be started 1st April, Initially until September, later if the situation does not improve soon.
  • Communication to U3A members will be through email during this 12 week period. We do still have 35 members who are not on email, group leaders will know who they are through our administration system beacon and we look to group leaders to share communications with those people.

If you have any questions or concerns, you should contact one of the following people in the first instance, using the links below:

ChairmanAlec Johnston
SecretaryPeter Salt

Telephone numbers are available in the yearbook.