Cam, Dursley & District

Archived Videos, Podcasts, Short Films

Archived Grammar Videos

Pronounce the French alphabetTell the time in French, AlexaFrench Numbers 100 to 1000
Practice French \"ER\" VerbsPractice French \"IR\" VerbsReflexive Verbs
Questions- Ou Quand Pourqoi CommentQuestions using Est-ce queAvoir and Etre in Passe Compose
Conjugate the verb FaireThe verbs devoir and falloir

Archived Information Videos and Games

Les Metiers, Jobs in FrenchAsking DirectionsI love Autumn, Thomas
French Christmas FoodChristmas Joyeux NoelChristmas La Nuit de Noel
White ChristmasFour French Scripts for New YearMaking a Galette des Rois
French Conjugation NightmareEnglish makes NO sensePièces de la maison, le couloire

Archived Podcasts

CBF I can speak a little FrenchFrancais Facile Passe ComposeFaux Friends

Archived Short Films

Dejeuner du matin