
Newsletter +

Here you will find copies of the latest newsletters plus some additional information.


Non-receipt of emails from Wyre Membership and Newsletter Team

When sending out the AGM documentation it was found that some BT email blocked receipt of the communication and marked it as spam. Although this was re-emailed to all members for whom an “Undeliverable” message was sent, it appears everyone may not have received it.
The same may also happen with other email accounts, which should have a similar option to add a safe sender. We therefore suggest that you add the following email addresses to your safe sender list: membership.wyreu3a@gmail.com and u3anewsletterwyre@gmail.com
Instructions for BT internet & BTOpenworld are shown below as these were the emails originally returned as undeliverable which were then re-sent and appeared to go through correctly.
Adding an email address to btinternet & btopenworld safe list:
1. Log on to your BT email website
2. Click on account settings
3. Click on Mail
4. From list select & click on Safe Senders
5. Enter email address: membership.wyreu3a@gmail.com and u3anewsletterwyre@gmail.com
6. Click Add
This will allow receipt of emails from the membership secretary and newsletter team.

Stay safe!