Witham, Lincolnshire

Craft 2021

Craft Dec 2021 Willow Wreaths8 December 2021 Willow Wreaths with Jane

We created Willow Wreaths today, great fun bending the Willow into a circle shape and trying not to whip the person next to us. After twisting several willows together we decorated them for Christmas.

Bring along items to decorate your wreath, such as:
Ivy, holly, privet, feathers, cones, ribbon, dried leaves, greenery, flowers, plastic flowers, bells.

Suggested Equipment:
Pliers, Secateurs, Wire and Wire cutters, old tea towel.

10 November 2021 Decorated\Decoupage Bottles with Kate Craft 10 Nov 21 Decorated Bottles

We used Christmas napkins, separated, cut-out and glued to recycled wine bottles. Lights added inside the bottle with a fake cork in the top which was actually the battery!


Craft 13 Oct 2021 Fabric Wreaths13 October 2021 Fabric Wreaths

We made Large Christmas Fabric Plaited Wreaths in October and decorated them in our own way.
Of course lots of chatting while we were creating and a cup of tea and a biscuit at half time.
