Winchcombe Area

Welcome to Winchcombe Area U3A

Thank you for visiting our website, whether you are a current or prospective member of the U3A movement, the aim of the site is to give easy and up to date information about the many group activities that are available, so please use the tabs at the top or links below to navigate to the pages.

How to Join - information about the benefits of membership and how to join our u3a.
Groups - find out more about our many Interest Groups
Events - details of our Guest Speaker presentations and monthly Coffee and Information Mornings
Members - access to all the information you need to get the most from your membership
Contact us - for a fast and easy way to get in touch
Our NEWSLETTER page will keep you up to date with what is happening both locally and nationally.

We are part of a National organisation of over 1000 independent U3As and we currently have over 300 members.

Everyone is welcome – no qualifications are required and none are given. We learn simply for pleasure. Costs are minimal because our activities are organised by members, who share their skills and expertise and members can join as many interest groups as you have diary and brain space for!