Winchcombe Area



In order for you to benefit from U3A membership, certain information - e.g. your name and contact details - has to be made available to the organisation. Following the introduction of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in May 2018, all members will, on the membership form, be asked to consent to the use, within our U3A, of their personal data held by us, and to share it with specified third parties as explained in our Data Protection Policy and Privacy Policy. You should be asked if you wish to appear in any photographs used to publicise or report on our U3A; be aware that you have the right to refuse.

Membership Conditions

It is expected that all members will treat others with courtesy and respect at all times. Where there are concerns, problems or complaints to be resolved, there is a Grievance Procedure. For breaches of any membership condition or similar matter there is a Disciplinary Procedure, as referred to in our Constitution.
Codes and policies of Winchcombe Area U3A where applicable to you, are defined below:
Code of Conduct - Members (for everyone).
Code of Conduct - Trustees (for Executive Committee Members).
Grievance and Disciplinary Matters

GDPR Privacy Policy

Winchcombe Area U3A requires members to provide their personal information so that you can be kept informed about events and activities that are offered as part of your membership. In collecting your information Winchcombe Area U3A will:

Store it securely;

Use it to communicate with you as a U3A member;

Share your information with Lead Contacts for those Interest Groups that you are a current or prospective member of;

If you are a Lead Contact, share your information with current or prospective members of that Interest Group;

Send you general information about the Third Age Trust (The Third Age Trust are the national office to which all U3As are affiliated).

Safeguarding Policy

One of the guiding principles of our U3A is to promote well-being and ensure inclusivity for all our members, as much as is possible. At the outset we must all take on board that everyone is responsible not just the committee or other officers. With rights come responsibilities.
Our aim in this document is to offer guidelines and signposting to further information and advice along with other actions that are suggested could be taken. See the full document by clicking the link on this page.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Winchcombe Area U3A recognise that some people are likely to experience discrimination and harassment and are committed to making sure that our U3A is as inclusive and welcoming as possible. Full details of our policy can be found by clicking on the link and if you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our Welfare Officer.

Our Constitution

You can read our Constitution by clicking on the link


As part of the U3A movement, our U3A needs to observe copyright rules. Please follow the link to Copyright on this site to give you an indication of some important things to bear in mind.

Grievance Procedure

In any organisation, problems and grievances will occur from time to time. It is important that members know where to turn for help, advice and support, so that whatever the issue, it can be dealt with quickly, objectively and appropriately. This procedure sets out how Winchcombe Area U3A will approach problems and grievances, to ensure they are dealt with in this way. All parties are encouraged to take a problem-solving approach to achieve resolution.

Please click on the link to download a form.