

Group Leader Cath Simpson

So you have a camera or smartphone. You're ready to start taking photos. It's easy to just pick the automatic settings and just point and click. But some photos come out better than others, and not just because one camera is technically better than another. It is more likely to be because the photographer knew how to make choices before they took the shot - putting the subject in the best position, with the light falling the right way, keeping distractions to a minimum, changing a particular camera setting.

This group is about stopping and thinking before you shoot, rather than just looking at the photograph afterwards and thinking if only I'd taken a step to the left, or moved in closer, or got the important bits sharper than they are. Its also about how to download and share your images. How to fix mistakes and tweak images to look better. And finding ideas for new things to photograph. Or just having a place to come and chat with people with the same interests.

For 2024 we are moving to a new venue and slot for the scheduled monthly meeting - meeting at the Ince Community Centre on the 4th Monday of the month, in the afternoon - 2.00 to 4.00 - which gives us a better space for doing some practical photography. Coffee etc available in the cafe in the centre. A small fee of £3 per head is payable to cover room usage.

There are also on-line activities and shorter notice 'ad hoc' dates inbetween, to fit in with any different photo opportunities that arise. Do ask at members meetings to be put on the group mailing list if you'd like to be kept involved or informed about what's planned. Or click on the email enquiry icon on this page to ask any immediate questions.


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Creative Writing Crown Green Bowling Cryptic Crosswords Cycling
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Hill Walking Indoor Bowling Line Dancing Local Walks
Meet and Fish Memoir and Novel Writing Music Appreciation Group Photography
PickleBall Scrabble Singing For Beginners Spanish Chat & Coffee
Table Tennis Ten Pin Bowling Theatre Group Urban sketching
Wine Appreciation Yoga
More Group Pages
Ancestry Book Club
Coffee and Natter Craft Group
Creative Writing Crown Green Bowling
Cryptic Crosswords Cycling
Dining Out French Chat & Coffee
Gardening Group General History
Hill Walking Indoor Bowling
Line Dancing Local Walks
Meet and Fish Memoir and Novel Writing
Music Appreciation Group Photography
PickleBall Scrabble
Singing For Beginners Spanish Chat & Coffee
Table Tennis Ten Pin Bowling
Theatre Group Urban sketching
Wine Appreciation Yoga