

Prospective Members

We encourage you to 'try before you buy' before you join us. We do limit this to two visits to our Meetings or to one of our Interest Groups. We ask that you then join if you wish to continue taking part in our activities.

Membership Cost

Membership for 2024-2025 is £10.00.

Additionally, you have an option to sign up (April to March subscription only) for the UK-wide 'Third Age Matters' magazine which is packed with stories about members and u3a activities, regional and national u3a events, plus celebrity interviews, features on technology, recipes, travel, competitions, and more. The magazine is free, but there is a cost of £4 for 5 issues, for delivery direct to your home address.

Once you are a member you can join as many Interest Groups as you wish but each group may have their own associated costs e.g. room hire. The group leader will advise.

If you are already a member of another u3a branch the cost will be reduced to £6.50. Please confirm, on the application form, the u3a you are already in and your membership number at this.

How to join Wigan u3a

Join at a Meeting Download the printable Membership Form 2024-2025 and take with either cash or cheque to a meeting
Join Online See the Electronic Payments page for editable membership form and payment options.

Existing members who wish to change contact details etc. may login to the Beacon Administration System by clicking Members Portal