

We run short term Workshops, of one to four weeks, on subjects which may be new to you or where you want to brush up your skills. They all take place at the Chapel Halls or the Marford Memorial Hall from 10am to 12noon on a Monday or Tuesday morning.

You only pay for materials, plus tuition when it is provided by an outside organisation. Normally the workshops are run by fellow members of our u3a.

All members receive an email four weeks before the workshop and then respond to the Committee Lead for that workshop subject. Places, normally for around eight participants, are then allocated on a first come, first served basis.


1, 8 and 15 OctoberTai Chi
5 NovemberAstronomy
19 NovemberCPR
26 November and 3 DecemberChristmas Crafts

In future quarters we are planning More Computing, Scottish Dancing, Flower Arranging, Card Playing, Sign Language, Argentine Tango, Calligraphy, Introduction to Opera and Mixed Crafts.


September 2024Glass Fusion
September 2024Tap and Ballet
July 2024First Aid
June 2024Computing 2 (Stay Safe Online - Security and Passwords)
June 2024Face Yoga
June 2024Bollywood Dancing
May 2024Birds
April 2024Quilling and Card making
February 2024Family History
January & March 2024 Computing 1 (Organising Your Windows Computer)