

Chrissie ChadneyLatinWednesday afternoons New members welcome

We meet fortnightly on Wednesdays from 2pm to 4pm in a member's house. We are very fortunate in having a Wheathampstead u3a member and former Latin teacher, Catharine, who has kindly volunteered to be our tutor.

We are a small group of four members but would welcome others and Catharine is happy for you to be a raw beginner - Latin ab initio! She will need to go back to basics as some of us have not looked at a Latin book for 60 years! Her view is that it doesn't matter what you do or do not know already, so long as you have the motivation to learn.

Latin is so useful for other languages and for reading inscriptions in heritage places but also it is a fascinating language to study in its own right, and we will aim to read some original literature as early as possible.

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Canasta 1 Canasta 2 French German - Advanced
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More Group Pages
Art Appreciation Books 1
Books 2 Bridge
Canasta 1 Canasta 2
French German - Advanced
History Latin
London Group Mahjong
Music appreciation Painting - Watercolours
Philosophy Play Reading
Scrabble Singles Sunday Lunch
Social Bridge Spanish Advanced
Spanish Beginners Spanish Intermediate
Strollers Supper Club
Theatre (Local) Walking