
Talk Report 2018-03-14

Life in the English Country House between the Wars by Adrian Tinniswood.

An insight into majestic affluence in the Country House—- for “The Long Week-End” during the 1920’s —-1930’s was on the agenda this month for the members of U3A Wells.

Wealth beyond most people’s imagination, preserved and sustained magnificent country homes during this period. Built over many decades these properties, architecturally unalike, offered lavish week-end house parties for royalty and the rich and famous. Between two world wars the stately homes of Britain flourished. In so many cases one by one they were deserted, dismantled and demolished, their estates broken up and their parks given over to the suburban sprawl. In 1939 with the outbreak of war this life-style disappeared.

Adrian brought to life this period in our social history, with amusing anecdotes and a well-informed knowledge of the era.
