Wellington Shropshire

Talk by Dorothy Nicholle

Talk by Dorothy Nichols to U3A Wellington
January 2017
We were lucky that Dorothy Nichols, a professional tourist guide and author of books, including a number about Shropshire, was our speaker for our January meeting.
Her talk this Thursday afternoon was all about the History of Nursery Rhymes. There was a little apprehension about this talk, wondering whether adults were the correct audience, but we soon learned that the background of many nursery rhymes would not be suitable for children, although children recite these rhymes without understanding the underlying provenance..
----- Many of our favourite nursery rhymes go back centuries and have been altered over time and in different parts of our country and abroad. We learned that there could be quite a few meanings to each nursery rhyme and whether one interpretation was better than another.
The apprehension soon went as we listened to all Dorothy’s stories and her interpretation of each nursery rhyme. A really good afternoon was enjoyed and appreciated by all. Such a professional!